Whether it’s for carrying out checks on flanges, fittings or any other places that are typically prone to leaking, the testo 316-2 gas leak detector provides you with a speedy and sure means of detecting higher concentrations of methane, propane and hydrogen in the surrounding air.

The testo 316-2 gas leak detector for pinpoint detection of gas leaks

Even if you already know that a pipe is leaking, you normally still have a long way to go before you can actually locate the leak. The testo 316-2 gas leak detector is just the right tool for carrying out such pinpointing gas leak detection. The detector’s easy-to-read 18-step bar display and maximum leakage reading show the concentration of combustible gas in the surrounding air and lead you quickly and reliably to the source of the leak. The detector also has an audible alarm that warns you when a threshold is crossed and a headphone jack which allows you to connect earphones for more focused and productive working in loud or distracting environments.

DELIVERY SCOPE: testo 316-2 gas leak detector, power adaptor,earphones.

  • 18-step bar for displaying gas connection; additional maximum leakage display
  • Quick reaction time with built-in pump
  • Flexible gooseneck sensor for checking hard-to-reach pipes and places
  • Rechargable batteries for longer performance
  • Gas leak detection in gas pipes in the heated environment


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