CORI-FILL™ technology features an integrated batch counter function together with the facility to directly control shut-off valves, proportional valves or (gear) pumps. Due to this technology, Bronkhorst Cori-Tech can offer compact assemblies of
(mini) CORI-FLOW™ instruments combined with a valve or pump, capable of dosing the exact desired amount of fluid.
- Batch dosing with CORI-FLOWTM using
- Shut-off valve
- Proportional valve or pump
- Fast totalizer
- Automatic overrun correction
- P-controller on batch counter
- Compact dosing solution
- Attractive alternative to weighing scales
- Simultaneous dosing of compounds; therefore:
- Reduction of total production time
- Positive and negative flow totalization (bi-directional)
- CORI-FILLTM has been successfully applied for dosage of additives, Fragrances, flavours, colourants and sterilization fluid (H2O2)