MTS offers
mini CORI-FLOW™ series world’s lowest flow rates to be measured with a Coriolis instrument: from
0,05…5 g/h up to 2…200 g/h. The ML120, comprising both a Mass Flow Meter (MFM) and a Mass Flow Controller (MFC), feature smallest physical dimensions and lowest internal volume. Thenew Coriolis sensor shows little to no variance over a long period of operation, thus reducing the system downtime.
- Direct mass flow measurement, independent of fluid properties
- Fast response time
- High accuracy (0,2% Rd for liquids, 0,5% Rd for gases)
- Additional density and temperature outputs
- Compact design with very small internal volume
The instruments are suited for a variety of applications in:
- Semiconductor processing
- Solar cell and FPD technology
- Food and pharmaceutical industries
- Medical, microchemical or analytical installations
- Calibration laboratories