MTS Offers Multisensor, UK make Drain and Effluent Analyzer that is designed to provide continuous measurement of VOCs in industrial and trade effluent discharge points. Regulations on the quality of effluents from trade premises and factories are getting stricter and stricter and VOCs are now in the spotlight.

Thanks to MS1900 analyzer you can monitor your effluent discharge and make sure that you detect promptly any problem, avoiding expensive fines and PR disasters. The system comprises the analyzer and the sampling system. As the water goes through the sampling tank, VOCs dissolved in the water move into the gas phase.

Multisensor’s sampling system helps the VOCs to get in the gas phase. This gas is then continuously analyzed and the VOCs concentration in the water is determined.

Our sampling system helps the VOCs to get in the gas phase. This gas is then continuously analyzed and the VOCs concentration in the water is determined.

For applications where drains are being monitored the MS1900 can be used to directly sample gases on the drain. This provides a lower cost solution but reduces absolute accuracy.

  • Low operating and maintenance costs
  • High reliability
  • No reagents
  • Field proven technology
  • Continuous monitoring
  • Monitoring of industrial drains and discharges
  • Monitoring of process water
  • River and storm water measurement
  • Oil and Fuel Leak Detection
  • Detection of VOCs in the sewage system


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